1993. 25th May. After gaining permission from Reading Borough Council to start playing Croquet on the two disused grass tennis courts in Albert Park, local resident Kevin Buchanan met with John Pallier and Marjorie Turril at the Grosvenor Hotel and formed a Committee. On 29th June the Club became affiliated with the Croquet Association having held its first Open Day in the presence of the Mayor of Reading on June 20th.
1994. At this time the Club had 12 members, acquired some new hoops and balls and a second mower (in case the old 1920 model broke down) and benefitted from some excellent coaching from Chairman Kevin’s father-in-law who was a croquet coach.
1996. Joined the Southern Federation League.
1997. The first August Bank Holiday BBQ. The Club took over the old Bowls Club hut which was more spacious and convenient than the old Tennis Hut, still needed for water and electricity, but still needed to use the rather dirty public toilets.
1998. John Wakeford joined the Club, and the Committee as Development Officer, and became our unofficial coach. He organised handicap cards for everyone.
2000. A lease from RBC for a peppercorn rent involved the loss of the Bowls Club hut and moving back into the old Park Keeper’s hut, both inconvenient and prone to vandalism.

2005. “Croquet Club is raised to ground in arson attack”. The old mower was the only equipment to be spared but thanks to insurance compensation a new hut was built within the lawn boundaries with electricity, water and a toilet.
2009. John Pallier, now living 6 months of the year in Spain, retired as Treasurer after 16 years in office with Michael Kay taking on the role.
2011. Peter Clee, who had joined the Club to learn to play AC, was also a member of the Basildon Golf Croquet Club whose lawn at Basildon Park was at the time no longer usable. The CCC agreed to join forces and allow their 22 members to keep to their well-established routine of playing together on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons, which they did on two half lawns. So began Golf Croquet being played at Caversham.

2019. Our new Clubhouse was erected by Members and at that time an annual treatment of our lawn was undertaken by a professional greenkeeping company (Avonmore) who also maintain the Bowls Club green next door. The playing surface has been much improved and is now playable all year round except in extreme weather (cold or wet) conditions.
2021. A new Fox cylinder mower is purchased. Day to day maintenance, lawn mowing, white lining, hoop moving etc continues to be carried out by a team of volunteer Members.
2023. Our 30th Anniversary in June!