Welcome to Caversham Croquet Club

If you think of croquet as a game played on vicarage lawns in prehistory, it’s time to think again. Caversham Croquet Club (CCC) is thoroughly up to date, offering try out sessions before joining and free instruction from qualified coaches afterwards. It’s quite difficult to miss a large ball with a large mallet so beginners can enjoy games from the start. Imagine snooker on grass; as the skill sets increase, so do the subtleties and complexities. Don’t be afraid of having a go; above all, croquet is sociable, affordable and fun.

The club is located in the Albert Road Recreation Ground, a small park in Caversham Heights, which also features 4 Tennis Courts, a Bowling Green, Picnic area and Children’s Play area.

If you are a member you will find a lot more on the website by logging in.

Currently we have 65 members of all ages and levels. See about us to see what we offer with details of how to get in touch. If you’re considering taking up croquet from scratch, read on to learn what it’s all about.

Croquet, like all sports, is best started young, but unlike most other sports, age and gender are no barrier. The physical component is minimal, the learning curve can be swift and temperament can compensate for limited natural ability.

Interested in playing?

Do come along to have a go. See our taking part section for details, and contact us if you want more information.